¿Alguna vez te has sentado delante de un plato de sushi y no has sabido cómo distinguir si el sushi es bueno o malo? No siempre tenemos conexión a Internet a mano y no siempre es posible entrar en comerJapones.com para averiguar si lo que vamos a meternos en la boca (no seáis mal pensados) pasaría un test de calidad. ¡No hay problema! Para resolver estas dudas hemos creado un decálogo con 10 trucos para dárselas de experto en sushi.
![]() ¿Nos hemos metido en el sitio adecuado? Lo primero que debemos preguntarnos es si el sitio donde hemos entrado es “realmente” un restaurante japonés. Digo esto, porque suele ocurrir que, como comer japonés se ha puesto de moda, muchos empresarios aprovechan para cambiar la rotulación de su establecimiento y hacernos creer que lo que sirven allí es “comida japonesa”, cuando en realidad sirven algo muy distinto. Para evitar sustos desagradables, lo mejor es que le echéis un vistazo a nuestro artículo sobre cómo distinguir un restaurante japonés y uno chino. También podéis mirar la puerta y comprobar si tienen el sello distintivo de “recomendado por comerJapones” ;-) 1) Los tipos de sushi En muchas cartas hacen una distinción errónea entre “sushi” y “makis”, como si fueran dos cosas distintas. Como ya os expliqué en mi artículo sobre los distintos tipos de sushi, (sushi 寿司) no es más que la palabra genérica que designa el arroz avinagrado con otro ingrediente (incluso con pescado). Pero existen múltiples variantes de este plato, como es el Edomae zushi o nigirizushi, con una bolita de shari recubierta por un neta o topping; makizushi envueltos con alga nori: los más gruesos son futomaki; los estrechos de un ingrediente, hosomaki; los invertidos con el arroz por fuera y el alga por dentro, uramaki; el kazari zushi o sushi decorativo, temaki con forma de cono; gunkanzushi con forma de barco acorazado; inarizushi en un saquito de tofu; sushi prensado u oshizushi; o, incluso, esparcido en un cuenco a modo de chirashizushi. Si tenéis estos conceptos básicos, podréis haceros pasar por auténticos entendidos. 2) La estacionalidad del producto Antes de pedir vuestro sushi, haceros esta sencilla pregunta: ¿es normal que haya bonito en invierno o erizo de mar en verano? Tened en cuenta que, por ejemplo, la temporada del erizo coincide con los meses más fríos del año, de noviembre a abril. Por eso, si se os ocurre preguntar en pleno mes de agosto si os pueden servir un gunkanzushi de uni, quedaréis tan retratados como si pidiérais polvorones en un chiringuito de playa en verano. 3) El corte del pescado Es muy importante la forma del corte del pescado (kirikata 切り方). El calamar, por ejemplo, desprende todo su umami si tiene unos finos cortes como la pana o en forma de rombo, también llamados (megiri 目切り). El pescado blanco se suele cortar al biés en (sogizukuri 削ぎ造り), con una característica forma de cuña al final del corte. Si observáis filamentos, cortes serrados o cortes excesivamente rectos, es probable que hayan utilizado unas tijeras en vez de un cuchillo. ;-) 4) La forma del shari o bola de arroz Observad el aspecto del shari. Puede tener forma completamente cúbica similar a una caja (ojû お重); forma ovalada como un saco de paja (tawara 俵); alargado y en forma de barco (funazoko 舟底); forma romboide o de abanico (suehiro 末広) o forma del arco de papel de un abanico (jigami 地紙). Si tiene forma de pelota de golf o de churro espachurrado, será mejor que lo dejéis en el plato y pidáis otra cosa. 5) El tamaño sí importa Cuando no estamos en una barra de sushi con un itamae delante nuestro que sirva las piezas al instante, los sushimen de la vieja escuela prefieren moldear la loncha de pescado para que cubra completamente la bola de shari de reducidas dimensiones. De esta forma, el arroz se conserva en óptimas condiciones y no se reseca mientras el camarero lo trae a la mesa. Si observáis una gran masa de arroz y una diminuta lámina de pescado que ni siquiera llega a recubrirlo, es posible que el sushinero esté más pendiente de economizar en materia prima que de servir un sushi de máxima calidad. 6) La texura y temperatura del arroz El arroz se airea con un abanico (uchiwa 団扇) hasta alcanzar la temperatura ambiente. No debe estar ni demasiado caliente ni frío de nevera. En un nigirizushi, el shari o bola de arroz de sushi debe dejar un hueco interno para que el arroz quede esponjoso y de desprenda en la lengua justo al entrar en la boca. De la misma forma, el shari en un makizushi también debería esparcirse suavemente para que tenga esa misma textura y sea más fácil saborearlo. Si nos encontramos con una bola compacta o un arroz apelmazado sobre el alga nori es probable que el sushiman haya perdido sus pelotas antiestrés y se haya desahogado apretujando nuestro arroz de sushi. Muchos comensales piensan erróneamente que el nigiri debería mantenerse de una sola pieza al masticarlo, pero me temo que eso sólo pasa con el sushi mal hecho o con el sushi de plástico. 7) ¿A qué sabe el arroz? No os estoy preguntando a qué saben las nubes, sino a qué sabe el propio arroz de sushi. ¿Tiene un gusto dulzón? ¿Es excesivamente salado? ¿Tiene un gusto avinagrado? La próxima vez que probéis un bocado de sushi, prestad atención a estos detalles, porque es importantísimo que identifiquéis esos tres sabores. Como suele pasar, cada maestrillo tiene su librillo y no encontraréis dos recetas de arroz para sushi iguales. Lo que está claro es que el aderezo (awasezu 合わせ酢) debería contener vinagre de arroz, azúcar y sal (y en algunos casos, también mirin). El gusto tradicional del arroz de sushi debería recordar al arroz avinagrado que se utilizaba antiguamente para elaborar el (narezushi なれ鮨) de pescado fermentado en arroz con vinagre. Algunos sushineros más clásicos prefieren sabores más salados, mientras en los restaurantes pseudo-japoneses reconvertidos en buffet libre se les va la mano con el azúcar y el mirin para saciarnos con pocos bocados. 8) Proporción de sabores El equilibrio de sabores entre el arroz de sushi (sumeshi 酢飯) y el neta o topping de un nigiri debería guardar una proporción del 60% y 40%. Quiero decir que el sabor característico del arroz debería sobresalir ligeramente por encima del sabor del propio pescado, sin que este último enmascare al primero. En algunas fusiones y concesiones a los paladares occidentales se suele abusar de las salsas y picantes que enmascaran el sabor genuino de cada ingrediente, por lo que algunos puristas podrían llegar a afirmar que si no cumple este punto del decálogo, no estaríamos hablando de auténtico “sushi”. 9) La presentación La forma de emplatar el sushi (moritsukekata 盛り付け方) también es muy importante. La disposición y profundidad de los elementos e incluso el cromatismo de las composiciones e ingredientes o la elección de la vajilla es todo un arte que podría compararse con la escenografía. En restaurantes tan reconocidos como el Shikku he visto gazapos tan básicos como servir la comida en un precioso plato con motivos de de hojas otoñales… ¡en pleno mes de julio! En otros sitios he visto cómo colocan los nigiris orientados hacia el lado incorrecto en el plato. Lo que mandan los cánones es colocarlos inclinados cenitalmente hacia la izquierda (de esta forma \\) para comerlos cómodamente con la mano derecha, empezando por la derecha y terminando por el extremo izquierdo del plato. Aunque me imagino que el 10% de la población, los zurdos, preferirán la disposición opuesta (//). 10) La forma de comerlo No me cansaré de decir que el sushi puede comerse tanto con los hashi como con las manos. De hecho, los hosomaki de atún, popularmente conocidos como (tekkamaki 鉄火巻き) deben su nombre a las salas de juego o (tekkaba 鉄火場) donde se idearon, recubriéndolos con alga nori, para que los tahúres no pudieran marcar sus cartas con un granito de arroz cuando comían nigirizushi con las manos entre partida y partida. Si os queda alguna duda sobre este último punto, os recomiendo que releáis este otro post sobre las normas de etiquerta para comer sushi. |
Actualmente publico recetas y textos relacionados con la macrobiótica.
viernes, 30 de noviembre de 2012
10 trucos para dárselas de experto en sushi
Andreas Moritz
I strongly advice against doing liver flushes until 6-8 months after the last chemotherapy treatment. It can take this long for the highly toxic chemo chemicals to become thoroughly absorbed and encapsulated in biliary stones, which in this case is desirable. Otherwise, doing liver flushes too soon after chemotherapy may leak chemo poisons via bile into the intestines, causing multiple perforations and inflammation in the intestinal walls. In other words, cleansing the body after chemotherapy can be life-endangering; in this case, it is best to be in a state of congestion for the suggested duration and first focus on the other health-enhancing approaches suggested in this book.
jueves, 29 de noviembre de 2012
miércoles, 28 de noviembre de 2012
Andreas Moritz
The feeling of being rejected, left behind or lonely can be a “heart-breaking” event that easily can turn a healthy heart into a sick heart. Most physicians know that women are in greater need of support and understanding during pregnancy. In fact, an epidemiological study on pregnant women showed that 91 percent of those who felt unsupported by family and friends suffered serious complications during pregnancy. The women reported that they were leading stressful lives with little or no social support. Similar studies on unemployed men have revealed that those men who felt strong support from family, relatives and friends were less likely to develop physical or mental problems.
martes, 27 de noviembre de 2012
Andreas Moritz
You always create harmful side effects when you treat the symptoms of disease without removing its underlying cause(s). How scientific or reasonable can it be to treat a disease for which the cause remains obscure? How much medical expertise can a prominent oncologist claim to have if he treats your cancer without having a clue where it is coming from or why it has occurred?
One of the key problems is that today’s medical schools do not train their students to think for themselves when it comes to understanding the underlying causes of an illness. Medical doctors are required to follow a rigid protocol or treatment plan, and if they deviate from it, this could easily cost them their license to practice medicine. They may even end up in jail, like so many doctors who out of kindness and compassion have offered alternative, unauthorized treatments to their patients. Can we, therefore, reasonably expect to find out from the medical doctors and the ...Ver más
lunes, 26 de noviembre de 2012
Andreas Moritz
Pain is a signal that the body uses to identify and correct certain problems or malfunctioning in the organs, systems, muscles, and joints. Pain is not a disease in itself, but instead is the sign of a proper immune response to an abnormal situation. An abnormal situation could mean congestion of lymph, blood, and waste matter. Any physical congestion leads to a poor supply of oxygen. Oxygen-deprived tissues almost always signal pain. When the pain subsides naturally through cleansing or the body’s removing the congestion (without the use of painkillers), it shows that the body has returned to a state of balance. Chronic pain indicates that the immune response and self-cleansing ability of the body is not sufficient and that the cause of the problem is still active and intact.
Cleansing the liver and gallbladder of all gallstones can help to reduce and eliminate pain in the body, regardless of whether it is located in the joints, head, nerves, m...Ver más
domingo, 25 de noviembre de 2012
Before I share it's health benefits, I'll tell you that eating Cranberries can smooth awayCellulite ❥➥❥ This bright red berry is packed full of:
Antioxidants ➡ To fight off disease and slow the aging process
Polyphenols ➡ A potent form of antioxidant known to reduce the risk of cancer, strokes and heart disease
Vitamin C ➡ To boost the immune system
Antioxidants ➡ To fight off disease and slow the aging process
Polyphenols ➡ A potent form of antioxidant known to reduce the risk of cancer, strokes and heart disease
Vitamin C ➡ To boost the immune system
Proanthocyanidins ➡ To prevent the adhesion of bacteria, which is why cranberries are great for both UTIs and preventing cavities
Resveratrol ➡ The compound found in red wine renowned for its health benefits
Flavonoids ➡ To help strengthen capillary walls and connective tissue
Resveratrol ➡ The compound found in red wine renowned for its health benefits
Flavonoids ➡ To help strengthen capillary walls and connective tissue
Andreas Moritz
You are your higher self, yet most people refer to their ego personality-self when they experience pain or joy. When pain or joy is perceived as equal, the higher self shines through the ego self, which spiritual leaders have called enlightenment. This balance between the forces of right and wrong, good and bad, love and fear, light and dark, etc., is what enlightenment comprises. Karma ends just there because the self can no longer perceive itself as good or bad, but as being both – and yet being free of either.
sábado, 24 de noviembre de 2012
Andreas Moritz
Conventionally, there are three body types - ectomorph, mesomorph and endomorph. These body types are based solely on muscle mass and body shape. The ectomorph is lean and skinny, the mesomorph strong and muscular, and the endomorph round and soft. Thanks to the media, advertising and social conditioning, it is obvious which body type most people long for and try to achieve through dieting and exercise.
Conventional weight-loss programs, with their infamous ‘before-and-after’ pictures, suggest that with an appropriate diet and set of exercises, every woman can possess a coveted svelte figure and every man can acquire a sculpted muscular physique. It is a great sales pitch aimed where it hurts most - at overweight and obese individuals, many of them desperate to clutch at straws.
But there is a fundamental flaw in this so-called reasoning and classification of body type. It is based solely on external morphological characteristics - shape and size...Ver más
miércoles, 21 de noviembre de 2012
Andreas Moritz
Vaccine producers are unable to guarantee that the vaccine will protect you against the flu. So they carefully tell you that the vaccine “reduces the likelihood of infection; or if you do develop the disease, it will be a milder case”. Some express the same uncertainty about their product in this way: “It is known definitely that influenza virus vaccine, as now constituted, is not effective against all possible strains of influenza virus.” Perhaps the best lesson of this effect comes from Japan. Compulsory flu vaccination in Japan (1967-1987) revealed no benefit and actually caused more flu- and vaccine-related deaths.
Why would you want to entrust your health to a cocktail of poisonous chemicals when even a somewhat weakened immune system stands a far better chance of protecting you against harm from a bout of influenza? Our body’s sophisticated immune system, which has evolved over millions of years, can certainly do a better job of protecting you against the flu than anything manmade.
All it needs is some basic caretaking on your part. With each new flu shot, on the other hand, your immune system becomes more depleted and the side effects become more pronounced and severe. And, you may still get the flu anyway.
martes, 20 de noviembre de 2012
Andreas Moritz
In today’s economy, money makes you powerful, or so it seems. In tomorrow’s economy, being powerful will be synonymous with the full-hearted intention to make everyone as prosperous and comfortable as possible. Those who continue operating on purely selfish interests will suddenly find themselves like fish out of water. Since unity thinking is increasingly permeating collective consciousness, we are starting to withdraw the influence of duality from every sphere of life. Those attitudes that create division among people or groups, for example, “I am wealthier than you are” or “My product is better than your product” are rapidly losing public support. It may still take a little while longer before the large and small corporations that comprise modern economy begin to realize that unless they bridge these divisions and are willing to cooperate with each other, they will become highly unattractive to the consumer.
Consumers are in the process of aw...Ver más
lunes, 19 de noviembre de 2012
Andreas Moritz
Metal dentalware is a constant source of poisoning and, possibly, allergic reaction in the body. All metal corrodes in time, especially in the mouth where high concentrations of air and moisture are always present. Mercury amalgam fillings release their extremely toxic compounds and vapor into the body, a reason why German dentists are prohibited by law from giving them to pregnant women. This product has been banned in a number of European countries.
If mercury is considered dangerous for a mother and her baby, it must be considered dangerous for everyone. The liver and kidneys, in particular, which have to deal with noxious substances, such as those released by metal fillings, become gradually poisoned. Cadmium, for example, which is used to make the pink color in dentures, is five times as toxic as lead. It does not take much of it to raise one’s blood pressure to abnormal levels. Thallium, which is also found in mercury amalgam fillings, caus...Ver más
domingo, 18 de noviembre de 2012
sábado, 17 de noviembre de 2012
Unmistakably Food
NEW POST!!! It’s that time of year again – time to ramp up the fermenting! Since reading Alex Lewin’s book Real Food Fermentation, I’ve begun getting a little adventurous with my concoctions. But every week I make a pint of good-old-fashioned sourkraut. For step by step instructions and lots of pictures, click here:http://bit.ly/SX1RQQ
viernes, 16 de noviembre de 2012
Sprouts are one of the most complete and nutritional of all foods tested. Sprouts are real 'Life Vitamins, Minerals, Proteins, and Enzymes.
As an example, a sprouted Mung Bean has a carbohydrate content of a melon, vitamin A of a lemon, thiamine of an avocado, riboflavin of a dry apple, niacin of a banana, and ascorbic acid of a loganberry. The rich enzyme concentration can lead heightened enzym
—As an example, a sprouted Mung Bean has a carbohydrate content of a melon, vitamin A of a lemon, thiamine of an avocado, riboflavin of a dry apple, niacin of a banana, and ascorbic acid of a loganberry. The rich enzyme concentration can lead heightened enzym
e activity in your metabolism, leading to regeneration of the bloodstream.
Some vitamins increase during sprouting by 500%! In wheat, vitamin B-12 quadruples, other B vitamins increases 3 to 12 times, vitamin E content triples. Fibber content increases three to four times that of whole wheat bread. Sprouting seeds, grains, and legumes greatly increases their content of those vitamins. For example, the vitamin A content (per calorie) of sprouted Mung beans is two-and-a-half times higher than the dry bean, and some beans have more than eight times more vitamin A after being sprouted.
Dry seeds, grains, and legumes, while rich in protein and complex carbohydrates, contain no vitamin C. But after sprouting, they contain around 20 milligrams per 3.5 ounces, a tremendous increase.
I eat sprouted beans and grains every day. I sprout organic mung/adzuki/garbanzo beans together. They take about three days to sprout and minimal maintenance. I just rinse them in my sprouting jars twice a day. They are beautiful and taste amazing.
I mix them in a huge salad that I make for three days which includes organic red cabbage, parsley, beets, celery, carrots, spinach, red bell peppers and what ever else is fresh and organic. I add Bragg apple cider vinegar, lemon and cayenne......
Sprouting is so cheap and really easy to do in your kitchen. First thing you have to do is buy the freshest organic dry beans you can find. I buy mung, adzuki and garbanzo beans. I researched which beans are the healthiest and most nutritional and those beans all came up as the top producers. I rinse the beans thoroughly and soak them in water over night.The next morning, I rinse them once again and place them in a quart size glass jar with a screen lid. I fill the jar about half full with the beans combined. I lay the beans on their side in a darker area of my kitchen. I rinse the beans twice a day, swishing them around in the water and discarding the eater through the screen lid. After the third day, you should have beautiful healthy sprouted beans. I then make my Aquarius Salad. If you need that recipe and missed it on the post, please ask and i will be happy to re-post it........
Some vitamins increase during sprouting by 500%! In wheat, vitamin B-12 quadruples, other B vitamins increases 3 to 12 times, vitamin E content triples. Fibber content increases three to four times that of whole wheat bread. Sprouting seeds, grains, and legumes greatly increases their content of those vitamins. For example, the vitamin A content (per calorie) of sprouted Mung beans is two-and-a-half times higher than the dry bean, and some beans have more than eight times more vitamin A after being sprouted.
Dry seeds, grains, and legumes, while rich in protein and complex carbohydrates, contain no vitamin C. But after sprouting, they contain around 20 milligrams per 3.5 ounces, a tremendous increase.
I eat sprouted beans and grains every day. I sprout organic mung/adzuki/garbanzo beans together. They take about three days to sprout and minimal maintenance. I just rinse them in my sprouting jars twice a day. They are beautiful and taste amazing.
I mix them in a huge salad that I make for three days which includes organic red cabbage, parsley, beets, celery, carrots, spinach, red bell peppers and what ever else is fresh and organic. I add Bragg apple cider vinegar, lemon and cayenne......
Sprouting is so cheap and really easy to do in your kitchen. First thing you have to do is buy the freshest organic dry beans you can find. I buy mung, adzuki and garbanzo beans. I researched which beans are the healthiest and most nutritional and those beans all came up as the top producers. I rinse the beans thoroughly and soak them in water over night.The next morning, I rinse them once again and place them in a quart size glass jar with a screen lid. I fill the jar about half full with the beans combined. I lay the beans on their side in a darker area of my kitchen. I rinse the beans twice a day, swishing them around in the water and discarding the eater through the screen lid. After the third day, you should have beautiful healthy sprouted beans. I then make my Aquarius Salad. If you need that recipe and missed it on the post, please ask and i will be happy to re-post it........
¿Podemos sobre alcalinizarnos?
jueves, 15 de noviembre de 2012
Andreas Moritz
It is as if the body resists you in every possible way to heal physically before you have managed to heal the illusions of yourself, your power, your worthiness. And you heal yourself by accepting each moment (even if it is painful) as a blessing, a reason to be grateful for.
Count all your blessings instead of counting your misfortunes. Don’t ignore them, but accept them. Let them take you anywhere they take you. You are responsible for them; you allowed them because you knew that they are in your very best interest. As long as you fight them as though they are your enemies, they need to play the roles of being your problems in life. Give them your blessing, so that they can show their other face to you.
miércoles, 14 de noviembre de 2012
Andreas Moritz
Heart disease and cancer are not such radically different forms of illness or, to say it more accurately, survival mechanisms. They share two common factors: blood vessel wall congestion and lymphatic blockage.
Since heart cells cannot become cancerous, once they are deprived of oxygen for a certain period of time, they die of acidosis and simply shut down. We refer to this as a heart attack, although in reality there is no attack, just oxygen deprivation. In other parts of the body a similar oxygen-deprived environment will result in some cells that are able to continue living, but not without undergoing mutation into cancer cells.
In other words, cancer of the tissues can only occur in the body if the circulatory system (including both the blood and lymph vessels) has suffered from congestion for a long time.
martes, 13 de noviembre de 2012
Andreas Moritz
There are a number of herbal substances and foods that have powerful cleansing effects on the blood vessels and lymphatic ducts. When ingested regularly, they naturally balance blood cholesterol concentrations to where they need to be for the body to function optimally. Take for example, the extract from a common Indian tree known as the mukul myrrh or guggul. Guggul is no strange medicine in India. Ayurvedic doctors have used it for over 3,000 years to treat a variety of diseases. One side benefit happens to be the lowering of cholesterol and triglycerides. Double blind clinical trials in India have proven that the extract of this small thorny tree is just as effective for this as some common prescription drugs. Of course, what heals common ailments naturally is unattractive to big drug companies, and, therefore, stands no chance of making it into the field of mainstream medicine, at least not in countries where the pharmaceutical giants dominat...Ver más
lunes, 12 de noviembre de 2012
Información nutricional de la castaña y beneficios para la salud
La castaña es un alimento natural, un fruto seco con gran cantidad de beneficios para la salud. Información nutricional.
La llegada de las primeras castañas al mercado indica el inicio del otoño. Mucha gente piensa que comer castañas engorda mucho pero la verdad es que según muestra su información nutricional, la castaña es uno de los frutos secos con el menor número de calorías debido a su bajo contenido en grasas y a su alto contenido en agua. Las castañas tienen muchos beneficios para la salud.
Información nutricional de la castaña
Este fruto seco es muy nutritivo y se caracteriza por ser muy rica en hidratos de carbono:
- Agua – tiene gran cantidad de agua, más o menos la mitad de su peso.
- Hidratos de carbono – principalmente son el almidón y la fibra.
- Proteínas y grasas – su contenido en proteínas y grasas es muy bajo.
- Minerales – tiene gran cantidad de fósforo, calcio, magnesio, hierro y potasio.
- Vitaminas – destacan la vitamina B, la vitamina E y el ácido fólico.
Si se toma de forma fresca guardará todas sus propiedades, pero por el contrario, su cocción hará que las pierda en gran parte.
¿Cuáles son los beneficios de la castaña?
La castaña es un fruto seco extremadamente beneficioso para la salud. Es un alimento muy recomendable para deportistas, niños, estudiantes o para cuando el cuerpo se encuentra en estados de anemia, desnutrición o cansancio. Entre su larga lista de beneficios están:
- Colabora en la obtención de una piel más sana y saludable.
- Su ingesta contribuye a la salud del pecho y de los ojos.
- Debido a su alto contenido en vitamina B y fósforo, se convierte en un alimento ideal para proteger el SN (sistema nervioso).
- Mantiene los huesos fuertes y los dientes sanos gracias al fósforo que tiene.
- También contiene triptófano, un aminoácido esencial que combate el insomnio.
- Está recomendada para trastornos renales por su contenido en potasio.
- Favorece la digestión por su alto contenido en fibras.
- Ayuda con la hipertensión, los problemas degenerativos y cardiovasculares.
- Fomenta la memoria.
- Es rica en sustancias que contrarrestan el exceso de ácido en la sangre con lo que facilita su eliminación a través de la orina.
Debe remarcarse que las castañas deben consumirse con moderación ya que sus hidratos de carbono pueden ser difíciles de digerir y más aún si se las consume crudas.
Andreas Moritz
Enemy Number One of the overweight or obese individual is processed foods including fast food, ironically billed as saviors of the 21st century. Breakfast cereals, energy bars, TV dinners, hamburgers, chili dogs, pasta, puddings and baked chicken. You pick them off the shelves, peel off the wrapper, eat most of them on the move or put them in the microwave.
They are time-savers, they are delicious and, why, they are even ‘nutritionally enriched’. At least, that’s what the label says. If you can get ‘all you need for a healthy start to your day’ in a bowl of breakfast cereal, you couldn’t ask for more, right? Not so fast. Falling prey to smart advertising spiel and convincing product packaging are more than 75 percent of Americans, whose breakfast consists of bright and colorful cereals.
Hiding behind labels such as ‘whole grain’, ‘high-fiber’ and ‘nutritionally enriched’ are a bag of chemicals - present in all processed foods - dumping chemical toxins into your body. Starting with your liver, kidneys, small intestine, large intestine or colon and connective tissue, these chemicals - artificial coloring agents, preservatives, food flavoring agents, refined sugars, refined grains, trans fatty acids and even fiber from bran - breakfast cereal could be escalating weight gain and taking your body to a toxicity crisis.
domingo, 11 de noviembre de 2012
Animal Liberation Worldwide
Atherosclerosis is a disease in which plaque builds up on the insides of your arteries.
Over time, plaque hardens and narrows your arteries. The flow of oxygen-rich blood to your organs and other parts of your body is reduced. This can lead to serious problems, including heart attack, stroke, or even death.
Atherosclerosis can affect any artery in the body.
Over time, plaque hardens and narrows your arteries. The flow of oxygen-rich blood to your organs and other parts of your body is reduced. This can lead to serious problems, including heart attack, stroke, or even death.
Atherosclerosis can affect any artery in the body.
Coronary artery disease (CAD) occurs when plaque builds up in the coronary (heart) arteries. CAD is a leading cause of death in the United States.
Carotid artery disease happens when plaque builds up in the carotid arteries (the arteries that supply blood and oxygen to your brain).
Peripheral arterial disease (PAD) occurs when plaque builds up in the major arteries of the legs, arms, and pelvis.
Carotid artery disease happens when plaque builds up in the carotid arteries (the arteries that supply blood and oxygen to your brain).
Peripheral arterial disease (PAD) occurs when plaque builds up in the major arteries of the legs, arms, and pelvis.
Andreas Moritz
Start giving your loving attention to nature and you cannot imagine how much love you will receive back. Earth is ready to give abundance to those who love and respect her. If you feel you can, live your life with much more simplicity and with as much contact with the natural world as possible. You will find that nature is your extended self and a true and lasting source of pleasure here on Earth.
The short-lived pleasure you derive from consuming more than you really need is only a fraction of the lasting happiness you will get from sharing your essence with the creatures and things of this Earth. When enough of us start treating one another and everything in the natural world with the same respect and honor we ask to receive ourselves, all the conflicts, sickness and problems that plague us will subside. We are at the point in time where whatever we choose will be executed almost immediately, that is, liberation or devastation. Such is our power
Tahíni, un alimento cardiosaludable
Poco a poco cada gastronomía o cultura alimentaria crece y se innova mediante la incorporación de nuevos productos, como es el caso del tahíni, una pasta a base de sanos ingredientes que dan origen a un alimento beneficioso para el corazón.
El tahíni está elaborado a base de semillas de sésamo, las cuales se muelen cuidadosamente a medida que se agregan pequeñas cantidades de agua y aceites de oliva o girasol. De esta forma, resulta un alimento con alto valor calórico pero con ácidos grasos indispensables para un organismo sano.
Se utiliza en platos culinarios típicos de los países del éste de Europa y su sabor acentuado semejante al de los frutos secos, hace que el tahíni o ajonjolí sea un aderezo que en pocas cantidades, brinda sabor y muchas virtudes nutricionales a las preparaciones.
El tahíni es un recurso muy usado en la cocina vegetariana para dar sabor y mayor valor nutricional a los platos, pues constituye una excelente fuente de ácidos grasos insaturados, entre los que predominan el ácido oléico y el linoleico.
Además, como toda semilla, el tahíni es rico en vitamina E, con fuerte acción antioxidante y, en éste caso, el sésamo ofrece su sesamol, otro antioxidante natural que conserva y mantiene en condiciones comestibles a la pasta lograda mediante su molienda.
Se consigue en herboristerías y constituye un aderezo que puede reemplazar perfectamente a las mantequillas tradicionales, especialmente a la de cacahuate, aportando más nutrientes saludables y un sabor particular a las comidas.
Es ideal para untar las tostadas del desayuno, para enriquecer preparaciones dulces y saladas o como aderezo de platos salados. No obstante, sus calorías son muchas (600 por cada 100 gramos), por lo que se recomienda no abusar de ésta pasta, ya que con un pequeño bocado, cubriremos las recomendaciones de grasas saludables y disfrutaremos de su intenso sabor.
A veces por desconocimiento, dejamos de lado estas opciones novedosas que pueden redundar en beneficios para nuestra salud si las incorporamos a nuestra dieta diaria. Por ello, ya sabes todo acerca del tahíni y sus ventajas nutricionales, sólo debes probarlo y disfrutarlo.
sábado, 10 de noviembre de 2012
Andreas Moritz
Tiredness precedes any type of disease, whether it is cancer, heart disease, or AIDS. Although impaired liver functions, low immunity, and overeating can also cause fatigue, in most cases it results from a lack of quality sleep, that is, the sleep before midnight.
Some of the most vital processes of purification and rejuvenation in the body are initiated and carried out during the two hours of sleep before midnight. Physiologically, there are two entirely different types of sleep, as verified by brain wave measurements. These are before-midnight sleep and after-midnight sleep. Sleep that occurs in the two hours before midnight includes deep sleep and it is often referred to as “beauty sleep.” Deep sleep occurs for about one hour and generally lasts from 11:00 p.m. to midnight. During deep sleep, you are in a dreamless state of consciousness where oxygen consumption in the body drops by about 8 percent. The rest and relaxation that you gain during this hour of dreamless sleep is nearly three times as deep as you would get from the same amount of sleep after midnight (when oxygen consumption in the body rises again).
Deep sleep hardly ever occurs after midnight. You experience deep sleep only if you go to sleep at least two hours before midnight. If you regularly miss out on deep sleep, your body and mind become overtired and your stress responses become unnaturally high. Stress responses include secretions of the stress hormones adrenaline, cortisol, and cholesterol. (A part of the cholesterol secreted during a stress response may end up as gallstones.)
viernes, 9 de noviembre de 2012
Andreas Moritz
Affirmation: << There are no other influences on my body, other than the ones I create or allow through my own awareness. I create what I fear, but I also create what I love. I prefer to create through love than through fear >>
jueves, 8 de noviembre de 2012
Andreas Moritz
Before you can heal an illness, you have to accept it. Acceptance of your illness is not a sign of resignation or passiveness that would just result in depression and fear. Acceptance of your illness rather shows that you are willing to take responsibility for yourself and your situation. This will help you infuse your body with feelings of compassion, love, tenderness and energy. Accepting what is will allow your own healing energies to stream into your body and provide it with the calm, relaxed state it requires to return to a balanced condition (equilibrium).
For as long as you feel you are a victim of some misfortune, food, medicine, or even karma (effect of past actions), you are far from being healed. Rejecting an illness only energizes your resistance to it, which is stressful for the body and mind and puts all the cells of your body into a mode of self-defense. Stress undermines immune functions and prevents the healing response. By accepting your illness, you are no longer subjected to fear and insecurity but in control of yourself. This will also help you to understand the true reasons behind your illness.
martes, 6 de noviembre de 2012
Andreas Moritz
People believe that gymnasia are the most appropriate work out places being equipped with all the mechanical and electronic essentials in fitness management. However gyms prove to be more of a liability to health rather than an advantage. Gyms are often the perfect breeding grounds for noxious germs. In fact instead of getting those dream biceps you could get thoroughly undesirable, relentless infections.
If you fail to take necessary hygiene measures, going to the gym can turn out to be a major health hazard instead of a health benefit. Germs creep up everywhere, right from the exercise equipment you use to the spigot on the drinking water fountain and damp towels. Locker rooms are nothing but ‘home-sweet-home’ to bacteria and fungi. The constant poor ventilation, warmth and moisture only superadded by the absence of sunlight, render the rooms pathogen-friendly. Locker rooms in gyms are equivalent to what agar culture plates are in labs - media for colonies of bacteria!
You can efficiently prevent the unwanted colds and risks of contracting the dreadful athlete’s foot, staphylococcal infections and other gym goers’ germs by avoiding these places and embracing the outdoors instead.
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